Think it. Code it.
Make a difference!

Hi, I'm

Johnny Proano

< About Me >

< I am a huge Chicago Bulls fan, a long-time music enthusiast, a sucker for all Star Wars films, and in the process, I fell in love with the creativity coding allows me to have. I've dedicated the last couple of years to learning the fundamentals of software engineering through university education, a Full-Stack Web Development program called Global Tech, and a Coding Bootcamp at Actualize where I am now a Teaching Assistant supporting students with exercises and projects using Ruby, JavaScript, SQL, and other tech tools. Throughout my path, I've reinforced the material learned by creating and expanding on personal projects. Take a peak at my journey in my software engineering journal too. I write about my learnings, bugs and fixes, what I am working on and other interesting things I run into. I bring leadership, culture, innovation, and my passion for solving problems to make a difference in people’s lives. Especially through code. I’m committed to applying my skills and demonstrating my passion in development and engineering to ultimately provide a great user experience - of course while having fun doing it! >
< Think it, code it, make a difference! >

< Skills and Toolbox >








Ruby on Rails








< Projects >

  • Luxe Hotels

    Latest Project: I am currently working on this Hotel Booking Landing Site using Angular, TypeScript, HTML, and CSS. The project aims to provide functionality for booking hotels and calculating the total pricing.

  • BrewR

    Ok. I love a good beer. I love to try out new spots! BrewR allows users to login/signup, create a tour with user added breweries and breweries sourced through "the Beer Mapping API" by searching city and state. Backend RESTful API built with Ruby on Rails. Frontend built with npm, webpack, React.js, Swiper, HTML, and CSS. Secure authenticated user profiles using JSON web tokens.

  • JP's Movie Watchlist

    I'm excited to say that I no longer need to keep a record of movies in my notes! This web application utilizes Semantic HTML, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, and the Open Movie Database (OMDb) API. It allows users to search for movies and add them to their personalized Watchlist. By accessing the Watchlist page, users can delve into the saved movies' specifics, which are stored locally. Additionally, they can seamlessly return to the search function to discover and include more movies. Future feature will in include database implementation.

  • Disney Plus Clone

    A responsive clone of disney plus in React with styled components. Utilized Firebase to create and store content databases and Redux to store the state. Firebase used to authenticate users with google email: Login and Logout.

  • JP's Blog

    Soon, this blog will be updated with proper content. The images displayed depict things I enjoy. Employing Vanilla JavaScript, Semantic HTML, and CSS, I designed this responsive website with a mobile-first approach. For the navigation, I used "Flexbox" and "Grid" for the blog posts.

  • ChatR

    ChatR is an implementation of twitter developed using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Users can compose new messages called "ChaTweets" that will appear on the live feed. Through the use of CDN, UUID, and DOM manipulation, users can easily respond to specific ChaTweets and delete them. Additionally, users can view comments, love a ChaTweet, and re-share it. Local Storage will be implemented in the future to save new tweets. Give it a try below!

  • JP's Color Scheme

    The Color API, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are used in a web application that allows users to choose a color scheme mode and generate a color scheme by specifying a color seed. User has the ability to copy hex color value to the Clipboard as a feature.

  • JP's Tavern

    Who doesn't love a good burger, right?
    Developed a web-based food ordering application utilizing JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The application enables users to add or remove items from their order, review the total order amount, and input payment details for order submission. Once the user has completed their order, a confirmation message will appear to acknowledge completion of the order.

  • BlackJack by JP

    Always a fun solo game! Made a BlackJack game with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. User provides name and chips will be applied to player object. Player can go against dealer and increment or decrement their winnings. Uilized DOM Manipulation to update the state of the dealer messages, player/dealer cards, and winnings.

  • Disney Match Game

    Inspired by my kiddos, built a Disney match game with JavaScript, HTML & CSS for a school project. Utilized DOM Manipulation to return card images when flipped, display the best time feature, and the “You Won” message. Try to beat your last time!

  • Mad Libs

    Loved Mad Libs as a kid. Utilized Semantic HTML and CSS. User provides "blank" words and app returns a funny story with the user word choices. Future implementation includes a feature that prompts a user to select a story, or enable the program to choose at random, by utilizing MongoDB to pull stored storylines.

< Let's Chat >